Class actions

A class action is a special procedure, it is a claim in civil law in which a single person sues on behalf of a large and sometimes unknown group of people. The class action is based on cases where there are many injured parties, but the personal damage of each victim is small or marginal. Therefore, each member of the group at their individual level, lacks the financial incentive to file a personal claim. The class action allows the class plaintiff (who is part of the group of victims) to sue on behalf of the entire group and receive special increased compensation for his trouble.
Class actions are often filed in matters such as banking, securities, insurance, environmental quality and consumer protection. The class action makes it possible to conduct a legal process that would not have been implemented if each of the victims had to represent themselves.
Representation of plaintiffs - the class action allows a single person to sue on behalf of a group of potential plaintiffs. Filing such a claim is very significant and weighty, because although the damage to each of the victims is relatively small, in aggregate it is a very high amount of compensation. A representative procedure is a procedure that is not simple and requires special expertise.Our firm represents plaintiffs in all types of class action lawsuits and we have the experience required to manage the class action until its end while achieving optimal results for the class action plaintiff and the group.
Representation of defendants - the class action is indeed a legal instrument of the first order, designed to balance the unequal forces. However, a practice has developed over the years of filing class actions even when the plaintiff has no real cause or intention to conduct the procedure. These procedures are filed with the aim of getting the defendant to reach a settlement, dismiss the claim and receive payment, all without conducting the procedure. Managing a representation procedure on the part of the defendant requires skill and experience.Our firm represents defendants in representative proceedings who are exposed to high and sometimes excessive claims.
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