Legal services that our firm provides free of charge - (pro bono) to the community, in areas of public interest and making the legal systems accessible to those who cannot afford it. Our firm believes with all its heart that all individuals in the company, especially the lawyers, have the moral obligation and responsibility to devote their time and expertise to provide legal services that serve the public and the individuals who are disadvantaged in it.
Therefore, the firm provides pro bono legal services for a significant part of its time. Our firm considers that the contribution in the framework of pro bono activities is not unilateral. Thus, our firm is exposed to different and new areas in its legal work, learning and developing. With the help of the donation, we see and know the environment in which we operate and of course, receive great personal satisfaction.
An area of activity that has recently been added to the areas of our firm's activities in the framework of pro bono is multidimensional assistance to those touched by the war between Russia and Ukraine. We understand that the terrible war has hit many on both sides of the barricade. People on both sides of the border, whether those who were directly harmed by the actions of the war or running away from it or those who are unwilling to take part in the unjust war, seek refuge to come to Israel and obtain legal status. Therefore, in appropriate cases, our office provides a variety of assistance to those who fled the war and arrived in Israel regardless of their country of origin.
Tel: 972-548027327
Fax: 972-774001757
2022 © All rights reserved to Romanovsky & Co. Design and development SashaFedorov. Photographer OLEG SHARAPOV