Firearms licensing

In Israel there are quite a few who are eligible for a private firearms license. True, the procedure for issuing a license can be conducted without the advice and accompaniment of a lawyer.
However, it is worth seeking the help of a professional with experience in this field and thus increasing the chances of success and making the procedure for issuing a license simpler and more pleasant.
Sometimes, especially when the process of issuing a license becomes complicated or the application is rejected and legal actions are required, it is worth contacting an attorney who specializes in the field. In order not to get into situations where the application for a license is rejected, it is recommended to use an attorney from the very beginning of the process.
Our office deals with all aspects of the issuance and restitution of a private firearms license. We will be happy to provide service and accompany you in the process of issuing the license from start to finish. The vast majority of the procedure does not require the involvement of the license applicant and after signing an initial affidavit, it can be carried out remotely without coming to our offices.
Attorney Rumanovski is a former policeman, with a rich security background and even today serves as a combat instructor in the framework of active reserve duty and has a close familiarity with the field of firearm licensing.
Tel: 972-548027327
Fax: 972-774001757
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